Monday, May 25, 2009

Salad-my favourite food

i love salads... fruit, vegetable, fruit and vegetable...easy to make, easier to eat! here is what i have been doing lately...

Fruity-vegetable salad

I have used:

one each of



tender cucumber



5 jackfruit pods/bulbs, deseeded

half a cup of dahi (yoghurt) made of double toned milk

a quarter tsp each of ground black pepper, mustard ( you can ground about ten teaspoonfuls and store in a glass jar )and salt for the dressing.

cut all the fruits into small cubes; stir into dahi, pepper, mustard and salt. pour over the fruit-vegetable, mix well, cool for a few minutes and dig in.. it is truly filling, lovely taste and non-fattening!!

you can go with any combo of fruit and vegetables or just a fruit or vegetable really.. i tried with just tomatoes and it was yummy!! i keep changing the fruits... papayas are a great favourite of mine... apples are crunchy and mangoes are ...indescribable! try cabbage, capsicum, green gram sprouts also...

ensai... as they say in our own tamil movies....

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